Sanela Hodžić has been a research coordinator in Mediacentar Sarajevo since 2009, and had previously been involved in different research projects since 2002. Her research interests are related primarily to social psychology, communication and media representation, but other relevant working experiences are related to educational and clinical psychology. Her previous research engagements pertaining to media system in B&H where evolving around labor relations in media, media freedom, economic and political pressures, communication policies and practices in local communities in B&H, e-governance at the local level, etc (Publications mostly available: here). For the past few years she has been providing yearly overview of structural and contextual factors related to media system in B&H (MSI Ireex).
Sanela Hodžić

Brankica Petković
MA in sociology of culture, a researcher and project manager at the Peace Institute Ljubljana – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies. Editor of the Media Watch book series and Media Watch journal.Her work is focused on research, advocacy and publishing activities in the field of media accountability, communication rights of citizens and minority groups, and media pluralism. She is author of number of articles and research reports, and co-author of books on the above mentioned topics.She has been a project leader of number of national and regional research and advocacy projects on the media and communication rights of citizens, including the projects Media Ownership and Its Impact on Media Independence and Pluralism in 18 countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Patterns of Political Instrumentalisation and Clientelism in the Media in South East Europe.She has also been a member of research teams developing European studies on various media policy issues (co-regulation measures in the media sector, media pluralism indicators; indicators of independence of AVMS regulators). Her editorial position for the Media Watch publications since 1998 includes editing of more than 20 books and more than 40 issues of a journal.

SEE Media Observatory Web Portal Editorial Board.
SEE Media Observatory is a regional partnership of civil society organisations aimed at enhancing media freedom and pluralism, and influencing media reforms in the countries of South East Europe.

Aida Kalender
Aida Kalender manages the editorial policy and development of MCOnline. As a long-term associate of Mediacentar, she has additionally worked in marketing, public relations, and event management capacities. As an experienced journalist and manager interested in culture, Kalender currently leads the NGO Akcija, which focuses on the development of the independent cultural scene, as well as the establishment of cultural policy in BiH. Additionally, she is one of the founders of the Futura music festival. Kalender holds Master's degrees in Arts and Media Management from the Utrecht School of Arts, and in European Cultural Policy from the University of Warwick.

Snezana Trpevska
Studied Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, before completing her MA in Communication Studies at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research. She defended her PhD in Sociological Sciences under the title Mixed Methods Approach in the Sociological Studies of Television News. She teaches Media law and Media and Audience Research Methods at the School of Journalism and Public Relations in Skopje. Her research interests are ranging within the fields of Sociology of Mass Communication, Journalism Studies and Media Policy and Regulation. Since June 2011, she leads the research projects started within the UNESCO Chair in Media, Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, focused on diversity reporting and media role in promoting tolerance and social cohesion. As an expert in media law and media policy she has been involved in developing media legislation and contributed to numerous debates about the harmonization of national legislation with the European legal standards in the media field.

Borbala Toth
Borbala Toth is a political scientist graduated in the Central European University in 2010. She was the rapporteur in the Open Society Foundation's Mapping Digital Media Project. She works as a freelance researcher.

Jovanka Matić
Research fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia. Holds a PhD degree from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade and a MA degree from Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (Canada). Has worked as a journalist in a weekly magazine and in a feature agency, and as a researcher in the Yugoslav Institute of Journalism in Belgrade. Studies the role of mass media in the transition processes, media policy, media system of Serbia and media coverage of political events. Author of the book “Television against voters”, co-author of the "Screening of the Elections" and author of about 60 academic articles about media.

Ilda Londo
Works as a research coordinator at the Albanian Media Institute since 2001. She has been dealing with various research projects where AMI has been involved, such as study of trends that affect media freedom and independence, research on media ownership and concentration, monitoring performance of regulatory authorities and independent institutions on media development, ethnic minorities coverage, media landscape surveys, broadcasting development trends, self-regulation and ethical issues, etc. Some of the main research works include “Main trends in media development in post-Communist Albania,” “Mapping Digital Media in Albania,” “Media and Information Society in Albania,” “Monitoring access to public institutions,” “Role of regulator in digital switchover,” “Reform of PBS in digital era,” “TV Across Europe: Regulation, Policy and Independence: Albania,” “Media ownership, Independence, and Pluralism,” etc.

Davor Glavaš
Sándor Orbán

Slobodanka Dekić

Dubravka Valić- Nedeljković

Helena Popović

Vesna Nikodinoska

Biljana Petkovska

Besar Likmeta
Besar Likmeta is the editor for the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN, in Albania. Since 2003 he has worked as a journalist for various print publications, electronic media and television. He started his career reporting for the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville, Florida. He moved to Albania in 2005 where he has been a features editor for the Tirana Times, a world news editor for the 24 hour news channel, TV Ora News, and since 2007 as BIRN Albania editor. He has also contributed stories to various publications such as The Christian Science Monitor, Global Post, Transitions Online, The Diplomatic Courier, Foreign Policy Magazine,, Businesses and the Telegraph . In 2009 Likmeta received the CEI/SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism and in 2010 was runner up to the Global Shining Light Award, presented at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Geneva.

Ana Novaković

Slobodan Georgijev

Boro Kontić
Boro Kontić has worked at Mediacentar since it’s founding in April 1995. With over 30 years of experience, he is a veteran in the journalism field. He is also the author and producer of such documentaries as “Years eaten by lions” (2010), “Untitled” (2011), and “Exhibition” (2012). Kontić is also engaged in training programs for journalists and as a consultant for different production projects. His previous experience includes working as: the author of the radio program “Primus” (1979-1985), Editor-in-Chief of Radio Sarajevo Youth Program (1987) and Sarajevo Second Program (1990-1992), a member of the RTV BH Supervisory Board (May-December 1992), and as a war correspondent at Voice of America for the duration of the BiH war. From 1994 to 2003, Kontić acted as President to the Independent Union of Professional Journalists. Moreover, Kontić is the recipient of several international wards for his radio and television documentaries.

Aidan White
Director of the Ethical Journalism Network and member of the SEE Media Observatory Advisory Board

Igor Micevski

Boris Dežulović

Davor Marko

Saska Cvetkovska

Meri Jordanovska

Vlado Apostolov

Biljana Žikić
Researcher, journalist and activist in the field of media representations and media regulations, minority and women rights and popular culture. Ph.D. in Anthropology of Everyday Life and Media Studies (Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities, Slovenia); B.Sc. in Serbian Language and Literature (Faculty of Philology, Belgrade University, Serbia). Current position: reseacher, project manager and coordinator, translator, linguistic and media consultant (Serbian Cultural Centre "Danilo Kiš", Ljubljana). Edithor-in-chief of the radio program in Serbian language "Kontrola leta" (Independant Radio Station, Radio Študent, Ljubljana).

Saše Dimovski
Saše Dimovski is a free-lance investigative journalist with a vast professional experience in reporting and working as editor for television, radio, daily and weekly papers and online media. He has specialized in court reporting, the coverage of human rights and research of corruption. Saše Dimovski is a regular writer of the Balkan Investigative Reporting network (BIRN), and he has won several awards for journalism excellence. He is a co-author of handbooks for journalists - Media and Human Trafficking (2010) and Transparency in criminal proceedings (2014), published by the OSCE Mission to Skopje.

Tamara Chausidis
Journalist and former president of the Council of Honour within the Association of Journalists of Macedonia.

Esad Hećimović
Esad Hećimović is a Bosnian investigative journalist. Hecimovic is now working as editor-in-chief of OBN TV. Previously he has worked as deputy editor for Oslobodjenje daily and BHDays weekly based in Sarajevo. He has published book Garibi – Mujahideens in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1999 in Sarajevo (2006) and Belgrade (2009). He was winner of IREX ProMedia Anti-Corruption Fellowship for series of articles about misuse of humanitarian funds for terrorism (2002). He was awarded for his contribution to investigative journalism by SEEMO and Central European Initiative in 2009. He was also awarded as the best journalist in BiH (2011) by Nezavisne novine.

Blaž Zgaga

Herwig G. Höller

Sandra B. Hrvatin

Sašo Ordanoski
Sašo Ordanoski, PhD, is a journalist with almost three decades of professional experience. He headed Macedonian national TV and national Alsat-M TV, as well as a couple of prominent weekly magazines in Skopje. He has a long experience of collaborating with a number of international media. His PhD and MA degrees obtained from the Skopje state university “St. Cyril and Methodius” are in the spheres of sociology, political science and communication. He teaches at the SEE University in Tetovo/Skopje. He is a long time activist in the Macedonian and regional civil society sector dealing with anticorruption, democracy and media development.

Ladislav Tomičić