Media integrity research: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Media integrity research: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Transparency rules for media in Bosnia and Herzegovina exist only partially.
Media integrity research: Albania

Media integrity research: Albania

Transparency rules for all media in Albanian media legislation exist only partially.
Less traffic but more credibility

Less traffic but more credibility

Alfred Lela from Mapo in Albania explains the strict policy of his newspaper in relation to moderation of user generated content on Internet.
Big Advertisers Subvert Albanian Media Freedom

Big Advertisers Subvert Albanian Media Freedom

The first article by Besar Likmeta produced as a result of investigative journalism grants awarded by the project SEE Media Observatory via open call in August 2013.
Professional journalism under pressure

Professional journalism under pressure

Marijana Ćamović, president of Trade union of media in Montenegro speaks about the conditions for journalists in that country to do their job with integrity.
