Strategija razvoja sistema javnog informisanja u Republici Srbiji do 2016. godine

The Strategy initiates a new wave of media reforms in the Serbian media system, which should be implemented by 2015. It gives a review of the situation in the media sector and lists the area for changes, including the ownership of media, the role of the state, public service broadcasting, digitalization, etc.
The changes include the overhaul of the entire legal framework, abolition of state ownership over media, transparency of ownership and prevention of media ownership concentration, development of media market, and free and fair competition. All public spending will be treated as the state aid and its allocation should abide the principles of neutrality, fairness, transparency and consistent control. The importance of the public service broadcasting institution is reaffirmed as well as its financial and editorial independence. The Strategy promises incentives to pluralism, support to media content production and advancement of its quality and diversity, protection of editorial independence, and incentives to investigative journalism. For the first time public interest in the media sphere is defined. 