19 applications for investigative journalism grants

Investigative journalists submitted 19 applications for the recent call for proposals to produce stories on media in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. From these countries the following number of proposals was received: three applications from Albania, four from Bosnia and Herzegovina, two from Kosovo, three from Macedonia, four from Montenegro and three from Serbia.
This was the second call for proposals for investigative stories as part of the project "South East European Media Observatory – Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms" which aims at strengthening media integrity in South East Europe. The first one was launched in 2013 and it resulted in a series of award winning and acknowledged stories revealing corrupt practices in the media throughout the region.
Under the latest call for proposals announced early May 2015, individual journalists, their teams and investigative journalism centers could submit their proposals till 31 May to the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Budapest which administers this granting scheme on behalf of the project partners’ consortium.
In the upcoming weeks the selection process will take place. Center for Independent Journalism and an international independent jury will review the applications according to the criteria described in the call for proposals. During the evaluation period, if necessary, applicants may be requested to provide more information or clarifications on their proposals.
The judging panel will announce the decision late June, 2015.
Further information: ilona.moricz@cij.hu