Media integrity research presented in the European Parliament

Media integrity research presented in the European Parliament

Members of the research team of the SEE Media Observatory presented the findings of the media integrity research in the European Parliament at the conference organised and host by the Member of the

Presentation and debate on media integrity in Albania

Presentation and debate on media integrity in Albania

Albanian Media Institute organized on October 31 the promotion of the research "Media Integrity Matters," followed by a roundtable discussion with journalists, editors, and civil society representa

Media community in Macedonia debates “Media Integrity Matters” findings

Media community in Macedonia debates “Media Integrity Matters” findings

Problems and solutions are noted precisely-there is a lack of political will to change the situation.
Croatian edition of Media Integrity Matters promoted in Zagreb

Croatian edition of Media Integrity Matters promoted in Zagreb

Public discussion and book promotion of Croatian edition of Media Integrity Matters held in Zagreb, October 3rd
Who should be the allies of the press during their fight for reform of the media sector?

Who should be the allies of the press during their fight for reform of the media sector?

The key question asked by Jovanka Matic, PhD, at the public discussion "The journalism crisis as a crisis of media integrity. Where's the exit?" held on July 9th in Belgrade. 
