Need to set a highway for future public funds for media
In an interview for Media Observatory, Mirjana Rakić, director of the Agency for Electronic Media and president of the Electronic Media Council in Croatia pointed to the importance of transparency of media ownership.
While the Agency for Electronic Media provides information on officially reported owners, Rakić also pointed out that it does not have the resources or the authority to investigate possible hidden ownership. She indicates that in addition to strengthening the resources, the policy changes are needed in order to investigate possible hidden ownership in media sector.
Rakić also emphasised the importance of the Fund for Pluralism and Diversity in Croatia, with around 4.2 million Euro out of the collected RTV fee, allocated annually to media. The decisions about the allocation are made by the Agency, and while Rakić did not want to comment on the past reports on the misuse of these funds, she expressed content with the current practices. She points out that the results of the decision-making process are published on the website of the Agency, and that the decisions are made by the persons of high integrity. She also hopes, however, that on the policy level the same principles will be assured on a “highway” for the future media funding.