Project leader: Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Project partners: Albanian Media Institute, Tirana (Albania), Media Center Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Investgative Journalism Center, Zagreb (Croatia), Center for Independent Journalism, Budapest (Hungary), Macedonian Institute for Media, Skopje (Macedonia) and Novi Sad School of Journalism, Novi Sad (Serbia).
On 1 February 2015, the SEE Media Observatory Phase 2 started with three additional partners joining the regional partnership: Press Council of Kosovo, Montenegro Media Institute and Platform for Independent Journalism P24 from Istanbul, Turkey.
More about project partner organisations:
The Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies (PI) is a non-profit research institute and a civil society organisation established in 1991 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It develops interdisciplinary research and combines academic research with advocacy in various fields of public policy.
The Peace Institute was founded in 1991 by a group of independent intellectuals who had also been civil society activists in the post-socialist processes of the previous decade in Slovenia and Yugoslavia. In the first years of its operations, during the period of war on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, the Institute focused mainly on peace studies. In the following years its activities expanded to explore various issues within contemporary social and political studies, such racism, political conflict, gender equality etc. It has connected strict academic perspective with concrete social and political engagement. At the end of 2000, three programs of the former Open Society Institute Slovenia joined the Peace Institute: Media Program, Civil Society Program and East-East Cooperation Program. It has broadened the Institute's scope of activities and perspectives to include more focuses on human rights and minorities, culture and media.
From its inception, the Institute has remained dedicated to dealing with marginalized social and political themes that are usually neglected in the activities of other institutions. The Peace Institute is active participant in partnerships and networks in the European, Balkan, Mediterranean and global arena.
Its Media Program develops analysis of media policy and practices and facilitates public debates on media freedom and media development in Slovenia and the South East Europe by introducing comparative regional and international perspective. It gathers dozens media researchers and journalists from Slovenia and the region in critical studies of the media. For more than 10 years the PI's long term project Media Watch serves as a framework for publication, reflection and debate, and a unique meeting point for academic and media community in Slovenia. It also regularly includes contributors from the region and globally, providing wider context for the Slovenian circumstances. Through Media Watch project more than 20 books have been published as well as more than 40 issues of the Media Watch journal; also more than 100 public debates have been organised. It includes Media Watch web site (, a reference point for media researchers and activists which currently features over 1,500 items of studies, analytical articles, interviews and reviews related to issues of media policy, journalism, media markets, media ethics and representations, internet freedom and governance.
PI supports media reforms by contributing to development of media regulation and self-regulation, and monitoring of its implementation. It has been among founding members of the regional network of civil society organisations SEENPM, through which it led several regional research and advocacy projects aimed at critical assessment of media and politics, including the regional projects on media ownership and on political instrumentalisation of the media. PI has participated in the EU media policy studies and has also been part of initiatives for stronger involvement of the European Commission in the field of media freedom and pluralism.
Peace Institute:
Media Watch:
Media Ownership Project 2003/4 within SEENPM:
Contact person:
Brankica Petković
Researcher, Media Program Director
Peace Institute
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 1 234 77 20, 234 77 27
Fax. +386 1 234 77 22
Mobile: +386 41 86 30 31
The Albanian Media Institute (AMI) was established by the end of 1995, thanks to the grant provided by DANIDA and the assistance of the Danish School of Journalism. After more than a decade AMI has been consolidated, constituting at present one of the main actors of civil society in Albania and one of most important journalistic training institutions in the Balkan region.
The mission of AMI is:
to become a training centre for the journalists of Albania;
to co-ordinate and support the activities related to the training of journalists and the overall development of media in Albania;
to undertake studies and projects in support of the development of the Albanian media;
to establish relations with similar foreign and international organizations;
to facilitate and make possible the increase of funds and adopt financial strategies which assure long-term sustainability;
to participate in the legislative processes in the field of media;
to establish strong relations with the Faculty of Journalism at the Tirana University.
to create special units for conducting opinion polls.
Albanian Media Institute has succeeded in having a substantial support from the Swiss Development Agency, SOROS Foundation, IREX, and other partners and donors. This support has been materialized in organizing training courses in different fields of journalism, establishing and maintaining an Internet studio that offers free service to journalistic community, organizing joint activities, conferences, and roundtables, promoting media dialogue and developing media policies, as well as sharing the same facilities.
Every year, approximately 300 Albanian journalists participate in the training courses of AMI. The Institute has established a team of about 15 Albanian trainers, who teach in most of the courses, organized by AMI. After years of work in cooperation with its donor community new training formats have been initiated and these formats serve today as models in other similar centers in the region.
At present, AMI is substantially engaged in media policy issues in Albania, such as the improvement of media legislation, Code of Ethics, various issues related to freedom of expression, access to information etc. In addition, the Institute has organized several research works, the most important one being “Monitoring Albanian Media Landscape”. AMI has published within the last 5 years approximately 20 books in the fields of journalism, PR, etc, filling in this way the existing voids.
With the support of SDC, AMI has completed an extensive project in the field of PR, becoming one of the early pioneers in this area.
AMI has played an important role in regional projects, in particular after the SEENPM (a Network of 17 media centers of SEE) was established upon AMI’s initiative in 2000. AMI held the SEENPM Presidency during its first two years.
AMI is presently member of several international organizations, such as EJTA (where it had one chair in the board for 2001- 2003), World Association of Newspapers, Reporting Diversity Network, etc.
In the last years AMI has also been engaged in activities that aim to foster a better understanding of children issues and their proper implementation. For example, AMI has partnered with UNICEF in training Albanian journalists on the coverage of children issues, children rights, as well as in the training of school students that participate in the children’s program “Troc”.
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Ilda Londo
e: ,
t: +355 4 2229800, m. +355 692 175010
Mediacentar Sarajevo supports development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From its founding to date, MC organized more than 230 different training programs in the areas of journalism and media education attended by more than 2,000 people from B-H and the region.
Over time, activities have been expanded to include:
• publishing
• media research
• PR training and consulting services
• AV production
• event management
An integral part of Mediacentar is Infobiro, an archive of print media from B-H and the former Yugoslavia and a library containing literature on mass media. We also publish a regional journal on culture and literature called Sarajevske Sveske (Sarajevo Notebooks).
Mediacentar was founded by Open Society Fund of B-H in 1995 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. In 2000 it was registered as a separate education and research institution owned by Open Society Fund of B-H.
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Sanela Hodžić
t: +387 33 715840;
m: +387 61 319012
The Investigative Journalism Center (IJC) is non-governmental and non-profit organization established 2003. The IJC do support development of investigative reporting in Croatia and other countries in South East Europe. The IJC is co-funder Global Investigative Journalism Network.
- The IJC is partner from Croatia on project “South East European Media Observatory” (2013/2014) by NGO members of South East Europe Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM) in seven SEE countries.
- The regional multimedia project (web, TV, radio) from 2008 to mid 2011 produced by Belgrade based media company B92 and from mid 2011 by Investigative Journalism Center (IJC) based in Zagreb. Until June 2011 POTRAGA has been broadcasted on TV channels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia. Still exists website (
- Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education by Mediacentar Sarajevo (B/H) and IJC, Zagreb. Info and articles at:
- “The truth – conscience above bank secret”, the book about most known whistleblower case in South East Europe. That is the story about bank employee who has revealed secret bank accounts of first Croatian president Tudjman family (PROMETEJ-CIN, 2003.). Tjr IJC is co-publisher.
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Saša Leković
m: +385 91 6642 224
The Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ) is a non-profit and non-political organization with the aim of promoting ethical, fact-based journalism and independent media in Hungary.
CIJ has been the only organization in Hungary offering journalism and media training on a non-profit basis since its foundation in 1995, and has trained thousands of media students and professionals.
From 1995 to 2003 CIJ focused its activities on basic journalism training, but in the past years – according to the changing needs – the Center has put a special emphasis on further training of professional journalists to contribute to ethical and quality journalism. In recent years priority areas of activities have been: training of journalists and managers; diversity reporting and multiculturalism; international cooperation and networking; media self-regulation and freedom of information issues.
Training of journalists
CIJ provides short and long-term training programs, including courses and workshops radio and television news production, online journalism, international news reporting, economic and business reporting, health reporting, investigative journalism, news writing, citizen journalism, multimedia. CIJ offers media training to professional and student journalists, organises workshops and roundtable discussions, participates in international media training programs. CIJ also publishes training resources (manuals, handbooks) in Hungarian.
From 1995 to 2000 CIJ trained more than 800 reporters and managers of local newspapers, radio and television stations. As the local implementing partner of the BBC, CIJ hosted television and radio courses from 1997 to 200, and more than 100 reporters, editors and 100 managers were trained.
Diversity issues in media – In 1998 CIJ launched the first newsroom diversification program in Central Europe to train young Romani to become journalists. Over the years, the Roma Mainstream Media Internship Program has gained international recognition, in 2009 it was selected into the top 30 diversity initiatives in the European media. Based on this model, similar programs were launched in Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. So far 104 journalists of Roma origin graduated from the Hungarian program. A majority of the alumni works in newsrooms of the national and regional media or related jobs. Roma alumni of the program have received more than 20 awards and prizes for journalism excellence. CIJ also had several programs to train Roma journalists to assist Roma NGOs and civil organizations in media relations.
CIJ implemented EU Phare Access programs (one related to media strategies for disadvantaged youth and another on gender mainstreaming in the media) and various training programs for Hungarian and international NGOs on media relations to work with civil organizations.
International cooperation
As a co-founder of the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM,, the Center has been working together with the network member centers in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia in training of journalists, media research projects, professional exchange programs and media policy initiatives. In 2006 the Budapest Center held the Presidency of the network and in this position directed the establishment of the new SEENPM association, a legal entity embracing now 17 member centers in 12 countries.
Apart from network activities, the Budapest center organized topical study tours and exchange programs in Hungary for managers and senior editors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Romania, and Croatia.
Roundtable discussions and conferences on media
By organizing and hosting meetings, round table discussions and conferences, the Center for Independent Journalism provides a regular professional forum for Hungarian and international media experts, journalists and managers to discuss current issues on media and freedom of information. In these activities CIJ cooperates with media NGOs, including the Association of Content Providers in Hungary, Hungarian Publishers Association, the Association of Women Internet Users, Center for Press Freedom, Non-Profit Media Center Foundation and also international organizations.
The Budapest Center co-organized two major international conferences on investigative reporting (2005 and 2007), media law (2006), ethics (2005), access to public information in cooperation with various organizations (2007), including the Danish Association of Investigative Journalism (Scoop), Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and
Media self-regulation
CIJ launched a civil initiative in 2007 to stregthen self-regulation in Hungary in order to uphold the ethics of reporting and promote media’s watchdog role in a democratic society. Drafts of the ethical guidelines for journalists and the operational modalities of the future self-regulatory council embracing all media sectors were elaborated CIJ. and are being publicly discussed.
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Ilona Moricz
t. +36-1-317-5448
m:+36 309 000 688
Short history of the organization
The Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is a non-profit organization that promotes excellence in media and public communication through policy initiatives, debates and conferences, training, research, publishing and production. Its main objective is to contribute towards the process of democratization by providing assistance in professionalization of the media system in Macedonia. Founders of MIM are the Macedonian Press Center, the Danish School of Journalism and IREX ProMedia/USAID. MIM is a founder of state-accredited School of Journalism and Public Relations offering education in first and a second cycle of studies.
Since its establishment in 2001, MIM had actively participated in several initiatives related to media legislation. It has organized over 150 conferences, trainings, workshops and seminars, hosting more than 1.200 domestic and foreign media and communication professionals. The Institute has published numerous books and publications concerning media, communications and PR’ related topics. A dozen of research projects in the media sphere in Macedonia are part of MIM portfolio. The institute hosts a pool of highly qualified experts, researchers and trainers with expertise in journalism, media legislation and professional ethics issues.
Overview of most important projects
MIM has been representing a focal point for training and informal education in journalism, PR and communications. It had organized numerous trainings for young and mid career journalists, editors and media managers in different topic areas, as well as for representatives of NGOs, institutions and companies. In purpose of promotion and development of the investigative journalism, apart of many trainings conducted, since 2001 MIM has been organizing the competition for the Best Investigative Story of the Year, one of the most prestigious awards in the media community in Macedonia.
MIM has been active in the area of media policy, participating in discussions and initiatives for improvement of the media environment and intervening whenever media freedoms are jeopardized in Macedonia. In 2011 MIM organized wide national discussions and produced a comprehensive Action Plan for improvements in the media sector and the policy framework for pluralism and freedom of media. It implemented the project for fostering implementation of the Law of Free Access to Public Information (2007-2009). The Institute together with several other media CSOs advocated for removing the prison sentence for defamation and libel from the Criminal Code that resulted with success in 2006. Later in 2012, MIM participated in the media consultations and public hearing that took place before the Law on Civil Responsibility for Defamation and Insult was brought.
Some of MIM’ most relevant research projects include media monitoring conducted for the elections in 2009 and 2011, UNESCO’ Media Development Indicators report for Macedonia (2011) and serial of researches of public broadcasting, online media, media of ethnic communities and self-regulation supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2010-2011). MIM also conducted and participated in projects related to the topic of media ownership and its impact on media independence and pluralism (2004, SEENPM) and to regulation, policy and independence that resulted in the publication “TV Accross Europe” (2005, OSI).
One of the major projects MIM implemented in the sphere of media education was “One-Year Diploma Program in Journalism“ (2004-2008), embracing around 100 students. In 2008, with support of core group of donors, MIM transformed the OYDPJ in state-accredited School of Journalism and Public Relations, which now has 150 students enrolled on academic programs in first and second cycle of studies. The project Roma Mainstream Media Program (2005-2008) prepared the talented young Roma people for a journalism career in the mainstream media in Macedonia. MIM is one of the pioneers in the sphere of media literacy in the country, with the project “Improving media literacy education in Macedonia” (2009-2011) supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Netherlands. Currently, MIM is a part of the consortium implementing the project “Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIEP)”, funded by USAID, aiming to build awareness and provide training, technical assistance and incentives to schools’ staff in support of interethnic integration in education.
MIM has relevant experience in the civil society sector in Macedonia. It was a partner in a five-year USAID Civil Society Strengthening Program (CSSP) helping Macedonian CSOs to increase their capacities in the media field. The Institute currently implements a project for strengthening cooperation between CSOs and media for promotion of human rights, freedom of expression and independent media, supported by EU through EIDHR.
Additional links:
Action Plan for improvement of the media landscape in the Republic of Macedonia
UNESCO Media Development Indicators report
Analysis of the Public Broadcasting in the Republic of Macedonia in the Context of the European Media Policy
Media Literacy textbook
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Biljana Petkovska
Mob: +389 70 260 306
Land line: +389 2 30 90 144
The Novi Sad School of Journalism is a civil society organization, founded in 1996 and is very experienced in advocacy in the field of promotion of human rights and democratic reforms as well as in education of journalists.
NSSJ fields of activities are communications strategies, civic actions aimed at putting social problems on the public agenda, advocacy, democratization of civil society and the affirmation of European integration.
We have had successful cooperation on our projects with the City of Novi Sad, the Assembly of the Autonomus Province of Vojvodina, the Ministry of Culture and Media of Republic of Serbia, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Agency for Reconstruction, with the Central European Initiative, National Endowment for Democracy, Olof Palme International Centre, Embassy of the United States, USAID, Fund for an Open Society, Norwegian People’s Aid, The German Marshal Fund, British Council, Danish School of Journalism, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Fridrih Ebert Stiftung, OSCE, American Bar Association, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization, CeSID, European Movement for Serbia, Civil Initiatives, Humanitarian Law Centre, SOS “Children’s Village “, NGO New Horizon – Ulcinj, Media Plan – Sarajevo, STINA News agency – Split, ACCESS – Sofia and many CSO’s, institutions, foundations and media from all over Europe.
Up until 2007, the core activity of the NSSJ was the education of media workers, and over time, it has developed into a modern, educational information centre for all professions that are working in the field on communication in its widest sense, for representatives of information providing services, of state institutions and representatives of the civil society.
The Novi Sad School of Journalism is a member of the South Eastern European Network for Professionalization of Media. The network promotes excellence in journalism through policy initiatives, research and training. The SEENPM unites fifteen non-for-profit media centres from eleven South East European and neighbouring countries. Its activities are based on the belief that joint commitment and cooperation are pivotal to the development of independent media, the strengthening of relations among journalists, and overall progress in the region.
Previous initiatives of NSSJ included strengthening of civic activism and preparing young people to participate in decision making processes. Our participants acquire knowledge and skills for communication without ethnic, religious, sexual, or racial discrimination. Our guidelines are European integration, civil society, social action, democratization.
The contact of the national project coordinator:
Tijana Femić
t. +381 21 423 206
m. +381 64 90 73 947