/ thematic reflections

Flash report 4: Serbia

Flash report 4: Serbia

Self-regulation: The first or the last defence of professionalism?
Flash report 4: Albania

Flash report 4: Albania

Self- regulation in Albanian media: an incomplete story
Flash report 3: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flash report 3: Bosnia and Herzegovina

In journalism of Bosnia and Herzegovina playing “by the rule” is not a rule. As Željka Mihaljević of Radio Studio N remarked, “if you dare to do what profession tells you... you are in trouble“.
Flash report 3: Macedonia

Flash report 3: Macedonia

Serious investigative journalism that would reveal corruption and crime in the politics and business is almost nonexistent in Macedonia.
Flash report 3: Croatia

Flash report 3: Croatia

Endured economic crisis, which is swinging Croatia between recession and depression for six consecutive years, profoundly influenced journalist profession.
