/ voices

Media in Turkey has become a battlefield

Media in Turkey has become a battlefield

Only those who prepared to rent or sell their freedom and independence have a future.


We may lose the remaining journalism

We may lose the remaining journalism

Unless a substitute for the lost inflow of media revenues is developed through public subsidies, we may lose the remaining journalism, together with its democratic role, to which we so often call u

Public policies have to involve public

Public policies have to involve public

Professor of Media and Communication Studies at Goldsmiths University on importance of wider public mobilization for a new media policies.

The Commission can serve as an international model

The Commission can serve as an international model

Veran Matić, president of the Commission for investigation of murders of journalists in Serbia speaks about the reasons for its establishment and about its achievements (in Serbian language).

Standards in journalism are still fragile

Standards in journalism are still fragile

German Filkov, president of Center for Civil Communication from Skopje comments the factors that influence media integrity in Macedonia.
