Studied Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, before completing her MA in Communication Studies at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research. She defended her PhD in Sociological Sciences under the title Mixed Methods Approach in the Sociological Studies of Television News. She teaches Media law and Media and Audience Research Methods at the School of Journalism and Public Relations in Skopje. Her research interests are ranging within the fields of Sociology of Mass Communication, Journalism Studies and Media Policy and Regulation. Since June 2011, she leads the research projects started  within the UNESCO Chair in Media, Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, focused on diversity reporting and media role in promoting tolerance and social cohesion. As an expert in media law and media policy she has been involved in developing media legislation and contributed to numerous debates about the harmonization of national legislation with the European legal standards in the media field.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia