/ investigative journalism

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Politicians have created a latent conflict between the media and the non-governmental sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Flash report 3: Macedonia

Flash report 3: Macedonia

Serious investigative journalism that would reveal corruption and crime in the politics and business is almost nonexistent in Macedonia.
First investigative story granted by SEE MediaObservatory

First investigative story granted by SEE MediaObservatory

"Big Advertisers Subvert Albanian Media Freedom" written by Albanian investigative journalist Besar Likmeta is published on 20th of December.
Public is the victim of the corrupted media system

Public is the victim of the corrupted media system

Gordana Igrić, Director of Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) addresses the issues of media integrity in the Balkans. 

Zagreb: Regional meeting of investigative journalists

SEE Media Observatory is organising a regional meeting of investigative journalists on 23 and 24 November 2013 in Zagreb.     
