The worst thing for a journalist is being cut off from his audience

The worst thing for a journalist is being cut off from his audience

Slovenian investigative journalist, writes about his experiences of working under pressure while he was investigating irregulariti

The Most Terrifying Pressures Occur in Silence

The Most Terrifying Pressures Occur in Silence

Defense of authorial freedom, therefore, should be governed by the same reasons with which one starts to write in the
Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Politicians have created a latent conflict between the media and the non-governmental sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
 A real power is passive

A real power is passive

A powerful man like Rupert Murdoch doesn't have to ask for favours. He will be given favours by politicians who are frightened by his newspapers.

Media are not immune to corruption

Media are not immune to corruption

Marin Mrčela, President of GRECO (Groups of States Against Corruption) of Council of Europe on why it is important to have independent media and why it is so difficult to achieve it today.
