Television Accross Europe, Volume 3 (Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia) Open Society Institute Media Program, 2005.

»The pivotal role of television in supporting democracy in Europe is under threat. Public service broadcasters are compromising quality to compete with commercial channels, and many of them depend on governments or political parties. Meanwhile, ever larger concentrations are developing in the commercial sector, often with clear political affiliations. These developments jeopardize broadcasting pluralism and diversity, with the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe most at risk.«  
These were the main findings of the 2005 monitoring report Television Across Europe: Regulation, Policy and Independence, published by OSI's EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program (EUMAP) and Media Program. The report covered 20 European countries—EU members, candidates, and potential candidates—from the U.K. to Turkey, and from Romania to France. At 1,662 pages, it is the largest-ever comparative survey of its kind. The report analyzed broadcasting across the continent and addresses policy recommendations to national and international authorities and groups.