Branka Mrkić Radević and Dalibor Tanić win EU Award for Investigative Journalism in BiH

Journalists Branka Mrkić Radević and Dalibor Tanić were awarded first prize in the EU Investigative Journalism Award 2014 for Bosnia and Herzegovina contest, for their story "Afera: Povratak" ("Affair: Repatriation"), published in online magazine Žurnal. Second and third place went to journalists of Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN), Mirjana Popović for her story "Naknada za smještaj u vlastitom stanu" ("Compensated for living in own apartment") and Aladin Abdagić and Mubarek Asani for their investigative documentary "Policajci i(li) kriminalci" ("Policemen and/or criminals").
Award ceremony was held on June 19th, 2015 at Mediacentar in Sarajevo. Total of 49 investigative stories were nominated for this year's EU Award in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the highest number of nominations out of all the countries where this award is being launched. Jury consisted of five prominent media professionals: Belma Bećirbašić, Tanja Topić, Helena Mandić, Zoran Ivančić and Boro Kontić.
Renzo Daviddi, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, stressed the importance of freedom of expression and media as one of the key challenges facing the countries aspiring to EU membership. "We value it because investigative journalism strongly contributes to transparency, good governance and to the implementation of the people's right to know. It brings information that is in the public interest to light. It also often involves real bravery and persistence on the part of journalists that deserves recognition. Such journalism restores faith in journalism and media integrity in general. The EU fully supports such journalism as part of a healthy democracy and awards it today", said Daviddi.
Boro Kontić, Director of Mediacentar Sarajevo and Chair of Jury, said: "First, I would like to say that we have very good journalists working on excellent investigative stories. Their dedication, talent and persistence are commendable. Secondly, investigative journalism requires time and money. Not everyone seems to be aware of this. Out of 13 shortlisted stories, 11 were submitted by Žurnal and Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN). We must congratulate them. And finally, none of the stories about bad politicians, corrupt public institutions and tax payers' money being stolen ever made it to the most watched and influential media in our country."
Video from the EU award ceremony in Mediacentar Sarajevo (in Bosnian language)
The EU award for investigative journalism will be given each year in the period of three years in each of seven EU-Enlargement countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, rewarding the investigative journalistic work published in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Investigative stories contributing to transparency and reporting on societal issues related to abuse of power and fundamental rights, corruption and organised crime that otherwise would not have been brought to the public's attention will qualify for the award. The award fund for seven beneficiary countries for three years in total is 210,000 euro. Annual award fund for each country is 10,000 euro; 1-3 journalists shall be awarded in each country each year; 3000- 5000 euro per individual prize is to be awarded.