The 4th meeting of the Steering Committee of the project “South East European Media Observatory ‒ Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms” was held on 13 February 2014 in Ljubljana.
The partners discussed previous and ongoing actions such as sub-granting to investigative journalists, media integrity research and online platform of the Observatory. At the same time the partnership used the meeting to make strategic decisions on the advocacy component that follows.
It was confirmed that the regional advocacy workshop will be held in Skopje on 31 March and 1 April 2014; Tim Karr of the US non-governmental organization Free Press will conduct a workshop for members of the SEE Media Observatory advocacy team and for other CSOs whose advocacy projects will be selected for financial support by the Observatory.
Also, it was agreed that the central regional conference where main findings of the media integrity research and investigative journalism projects will be discussed with key actors will be held in Tirana on 12-13 June 2014.
Financial managers of the partner organizations held a parallel meeting, while joint session with the Steering Committee was held at the end of the Ljubljana meeting to provide the program and finances of the project fit well until the end of the project.

The participants of the meeting were Steering Committee members: Ilda Londo (instead of Remzi Lani), Albanian Media Institute, Tirana, Ines Bamburać Alibašić, Media Center Sarajevo, Saša Leković, Center for Investigative Journalism, Zagreb, Ilona Móricz, Center for Independent Journalism, Budapest, Biljana Petkovska, Macedonian Institute for Media, Skopje, Dubravka Valić Nedeljković, Novi Sad School of Journalism, Novi Sad, Franja Arlič, Peace Institute, Ljubljana, Brankica Petković, Peace Institute, Ljubljana (regional program coordinator, lead researcher), and financial managers: Roza Lekoti, Albanian Media Institute, Tirana, Jasmina Čišija, Media Center Sarajevo, Anita Matić, Center for Investigative Journalism, Zagreb, Meri Karanfilovska, Macedonian Institute for Media, Skopje, and Milan Nedeljković (replacing financial manager Mirjana Komnenović-Inić), Novi Sad School of Journalism, Novi Sad.