Five projects from CSO's selected in 2015 for advocacy actions

Five project proposals from civil society organizations were selected in 2015 to implement advocacy campaigns and organize actions to strengthen media integrity in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia – announced the Steering Committee of the project “South East European Media Observatory – Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms” today after having evaluated the applications received till the deadline of 25 July 2015. Civil society organizations from the above mentioned countries submitted a total of 21 applications for this call.
The five selected organizations will carry out a variety of activities in their own countries in 2015 and early 2016 as part of the project “South East European Media Observatory – Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms” to support integrity both in public service and commercial media in South East Europe.
Albania |
Qendra per Zhvillimin dhe Demokratizimin e Institucioneve / Center for Development and Democratization of Institutions |
Achieving transparency of state ads distribution through usage of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Udruženje/udruga BH novinari / Bosnia and Herzegovina Journalists Association |
Labour and legal status of journalists in BiH and its impact on their media integrity |
Macedonia |
Фондација за дебата и едукација ИДЕА Југоисточна Европа Скопје / Foundation for debate and education IDEA Southeast Europe Skopje |
Integrityman, a super hero for a media integrity change in Macedonia, a raising awareness campaign |
Montenegro |
Centar za građansko obrazovanje (CGO) / Centre for civic education (CCE) |
Regulating media access to public funds in Montenegro – Equal chances to all media in Montenegro! |
Serbia |
Balkanska istraživačka mreža–BIRN Srbija / Balkan Investigative Reporting Network–BIRN Serbia |
Soft censorship in Serbia: media reforms in stalled lane |
Under the call for proposals, professional associations, advocacy groups, research institutes, human rights and anti-corruption organizations and other CSOs specializing in media applied to implement actions up to six months. Each selected project receives a grant up to EUR 5000.
This granting scheme is part of the second phase of the regional project “South East European Media Observatory”, co-financed by the European Union Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), Civil Society Facility Partnership Programme. On behalf of the project consortium, the Centre for Independent Journalism, Budapest administers the granting scheme for civil society organizations.