Flash report 6: Serbia

Flash report 6: Serbia

Local media in Serbia are facing problems that have threatened their survival for years: inconsistent legislation, non- transpar
Flash report 6: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flash report 6: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Paltry setting for local media in Bosnia and Herzegovina: scarce sources of revenues and lack of editorial independence. 
Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Return investigative journalism to the mainstream media

Politicians have created a latent conflict between the media and the non-governmental sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
 A real power is passive

A real power is passive

A powerful man like Rupert Murdoch doesn't have to ask for favours. He will be given favours by politicians who are frightened by his newspapers.

A brief history of bullying

A brief history of bullying

The state-sponsored bullying, as horrible as it is, not only undermines the free press, but also violently discourages any form of journalism that isn't only "bread and games."
