/ self-censorship

Hijacked Journalism!

Hijacked Journalism!

Mladen Cadikovski: "Media market, which was not ideal from before, was further distorted with the money f
Media in Turkey has become a battlefield

Media in Turkey has become a battlefield

Only those who prepared to rent or sell their freedom and independence have a future.


Standards in journalism are still fragile

Standards in journalism are still fragile

German Filkov, president of Center for Civil Communication from Skopje comments the factors that influence media integrity in Macedonia.

Flash report 3: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flash report 3: Bosnia and Herzegovina

In journalism of Bosnia and Herzegovina playing “by the rule” is not a rule. As Željka Mihaljević of Radio Studio N remarked, “if you dare to do what profession tells you... you are in trouble“.
Flash report 3: Croatia

Flash report 3: Croatia

Endured economic crisis, which is swinging Croatia between recession and depression for six consecutive years, profoundly influenced journalist profession.
