New call for proposals for journalists to produce investigative stories on media in SEE

The partnership South East European Media Observatory seeks applications from investigative journalists to disclose corrupt practices undermining the proper functioning of free, independent, pluralistic and viable media in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
This new call for proposals is part of the second phase of the project “South East European Media Observatory – Building Capacities and Coalitions for Monitoring Media Integrity and Advancing Media Reforms” which aims at supporting integrity both in public service and commercial media in South East Europe. The South East European Media Observatory is a regional partnership of civil society organisations, coordinated by the Peace Institute, Ljubljana. The financial support for the grants is provided by the European Commission as part of the South East European Media Observatory project to be implemented in 2015 and 2016.
Under this call investigative journalism centers and teams of journalists are encouraged to submit applications. An independent international jury will evaluate the applications.
The total available fund for sub-grants of investigative stories is 30.000 EUR. A maximum amount of 5.000 EUR per grant can be awarded.
The application deadline is 24:00 on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Applications in English are to be submitted online to The call for proposals will be administered by the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), Budapest.
Download the Call for Proposals and the Application Form.