Overview of relevant rules in the law and in practice

Overview of relevant rules in the law and in practice

SEE Obsevatory within its reserch component which focuses on media integrity has provided a brief overview of relevant provisions in media legislation.
Fear of Politics

Fear of Politics

 If there ever was hope, it was dispersed by the devastating picture. The media here remain stuck in the deep shadow cast by politics.
Serbia: TV Viewers Force Fed State Spin

Serbia: TV Viewers Force Fed State Spin

The first article from Serbia produced as a result of investigative journalism grants awarded by the project SEE Media Observatory via open call in August 2013
Lobby Firm Behind Campaign to Smear Albanian Socialist

Lobby Firm Behind Campaign to Smear Albanian Socialist

The third article from Albania produced as a result of investigative journalism grants awarded by the project SEE Media Observatory.
Albania’s Former Chief Enriched Media Ally

Albania’s Former Chief Enriched Media Ally

The second article by Besar Likmeta produced as a result of investigative journalism grants awarded by the project SEE Media Observatory via open call in August 2013. 
