Discriminatory policies of minority protection in Slovenia: unequal access to media

Discriminatory policies of minority protection in Slovenia: unequal access to media

Discrimination of minority communities from former Yugoslavia in Slovenia’s minority policies can be observed in various areas of public policy, among which the access to media, including the p

Let’s do something

Let’s do something

Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media speaks about the challenges for the freedom of speech and freedom of media in the context of highlighted importance given to the onlin
Media landscape in Serbia in 2015

Media landscape in Serbia in 2015

Serbia fell considerably in 2015 on the Reporters Without Borders list of media freedoms, primarily due to attacks on journalists, threats to media, but also due to insufficient implementation of
Proposed amendments affecting freedom of expression in Albania thwarted

Proposed amendments affecting freedom of expression in Albania thwarted

Darian Pavli, a lawyer involved in, and monitoring, legislation reform, reviews trends concerning the amendments to media legislation in 2015.

Media in Montenegro have never developed culture of market economy

Media in Montenegro have never developed culture of market economy

Efforts must be directed towards strengthening the institutions that implement laws.
