/ thematic reflections

Flash report 3: Albania

Flash report 3: Albania

Current trend indicates that media are often sandwiched between politics and business, facing constant challenges, as well as making important achievements.
Flash report 3: Serbia

Flash report 3: Serbia

For years already Serbian journalists have been describing the situation in their profession as “worse than ever”.
Media integrity research: Macedonia

Media integrity research: Macedonia

Since December 2013 media transparency rules in Macedonia are extended from the broadcast to the print media.
Media integrity research: Croatia

Media integrity research: Croatia

All media are obliged to publish an annual report, including ownership structure, financial results, data on average listenership/ readership/ viewership.
Overview of relevant rules in the law and in practice

Overview of relevant rules in the law and in practice

SEE Obsevatory within its reserch component which focuses on media integrity has provided a brief overview of relevant provisions in media legislation.
