Works as a research coordinator at the Albanian Media Institute since 2001. She has been dealing with various research projects where AMI has been involved, such as study of trends that affect media freedom and independence, research on media ownership and concentration, monitoring performance of regulatory authorities and independent institutions on media development, ethnic minorities coverage, media landscape surveys, broadcasting development trends, self-regulation and ethical issues, etc. Some of the main research works include “Main trends in media development in post-Communist Albania,” “Mapping Digital Media in Albania,” “Media and Information Society in Albania,” “Monitoring access to public institutions,” “Role of regulator in digital switchover,” “Reform of PBS in digital era,” “TV Across Europe: Regulation, Policy and Independence: Albania,” “Media ownership, Independence, and Pluralism,” etc.

Ilda Londo

Igor Micevski

Ivana Anđelković

Ivor Fuka

Isuf Berisha
ISUF BERISHA is a PhD candidate in Political Philosophy at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He worked as a journalist (1982–1995), media development officer (1996–2005), head of media regulator (2006–2007) and a media researcher and trainer (2005–2010) in Kosovo.
Currently, he is teaching research methods and economic sociology at the Riinvest College in Pristina, Kosovo. Berisha contributed this report as a researcher engaged by the Press Council of Kosovo, a partner organisation in the SEE Media Observatory.

Ilona Moricz
Ms. Ilona Moricz is the director of the Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ), a Hungarian media development NGO which has the mission to promote quality and ethical reporting and supports independent journalism in Hungary. Since 1997, when she joined this organization, she has accumulated vast experience in projects to improve professional standards of journalism, promote fair diversity reporting and strengthen self-regulation in media in Hungary and internationally. She is a member of the Board of SEENPM, a network of 18 non-profit media development centers and institutes from 12 countries. A journalist by profession, after her university graduation she worked as a reporter then international news editor at the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) and later editor at the daily newspaper Kurír.